Hj Zakaria Clan

Blog Rasmi Badan Kebajikan Keluarga Hj. Zakaria

  • Terima kasih kerana melawat blog rasmi Badan Kebajikan Keluarga Hj. Zakaria. Segala informasi dan maklumat2 semasa berkenaan Badan ini akan dimuatkan di dalam blog ini. Semoga dengan penghasilan blog ini akan sedikit sebanyak membantu dalam mengeratkan lagi ikatan kekeluargaan diantara ahli2.


Posted by .M. On 11:03 AM 0 comments

okay. macam dah lama sangat blog keluarga Hj. Zakaria ter-neglected kan. so, bagi nak meriah kan sikit blog ni, kat sini jom la miza tulis some short and super-brief updates that happened dalam keluarga Hj. Zakaria since may 2010 (after mother's day) until july 2010. and of course ni updates yang miza ingat je la ye. kalau ade2 yg tetinggal tu, sorry! hehe~

- Kak Najwa Said & Abg Azhar Ahmad
(with the absence of Firdaus & Miza due to our respective educational trips to hawaii & jogjakarta)

eventhough ni macam belated je, tapi takpe la kan.
selamat pengantin baru kepada kak wa & abg azhar.
semoga bahagia ke anak cucu.
dan ucapan welcome utk abg azhar ke keluarga hj. zakaria.
(p/s: miza can't wait to have another niece/nephew soon! ;P)

1) Nur Alya bt Azmi @ Yaya - 21 jun (8 tahun)
2) Nor Helmi bin Zakaria @ Paklong - 27 July (56 tahun)

- this is to all the fathers in haji zakaria's clan
(aki zakaria, paklong helmi, pakngah said, pak ude, pak itam, pakteh, pak andak, pakcek, abg azmi, abg rudi & abg long hizman).

miza nak cakap sorry sebab takboleh buat special entry just to wish these fathers on last father's day like what i've done to the mothers.
and i know there are no words to show exactly how thankful we are to have such a great man as our father in this life.
and taking words from margaret truman,

" It's only when you grow up and step back from him -or leave him for your own home- it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it"

miza just nak cakap,
just appreciate our fathers as the same as we appreciate our mothers, while we still got time to do so.
they don't exactly one person that shows their emotions easily,
but still, without their loves and hardworks in raising us, we are nothing.

so, utk semua fathers especially ABAH saya, eventhough dah terlambat,
i would like to say....


- this is dedicated to all teachers in hj. zakaria's clan, whether ex-teacher or still a teacher:

thank you for being parts of the people whom responsible in shaping a better future generation.
[and yes, that includes my abah for being super-patience in handling all those autisme students :)]


1) syahida said - melanjutkan pelajaran dalam peringkat degree in civil engineering di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).
2) ezran zainal abdullah - melanjutkan pelajaran dalam peringkat master in design technology di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).
3) hamizah helmi (saya la tu. huhu~ :P) - melanjutkan pelajaran dalam peringkat master in science physics di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

ok. that's it. sorry if ada apa2 yang miza tertinggal ye. and sorry jugak dengan mixed language ni. hehe. until next post! toodles. :)


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